April 4, 2011

Confessions of A Commuting Mom

Indeed I'm back, after a loooong hiatus from blogging. Moving on from just a space to consolidate my thoughts, I'm now looking to get more out of blogging, share tips & tricks and write in general!

A lot has happened since the last time I blogged here (sparing the details). Hubby and I have literally exchanged roles - now, I am the commuter, while he is Mr. (working, of course) Mom! I leave home at 6:30 am everyday, and return exactly 12 hours later. My daughter is fast asleep when I am pulling out of the garage, and eagerly waiting for me to get home in the evenings. Dad takes care of her bath, dressing up and daycare drop off. This has become my family's routine, and I must admit, I am not liking it!

I miss

* Being there when my little girl wakes up in the morning with the contented smile on her face
* Cuddling up with her just before she is up
* Bathing her and playing with bubbles and water
* Dressing her up and making her look all pretty-pretty or all tom-boyish
* A hug and a kiss during daycare drop off
* Just being there

These may sound like chores, but I beg to disagree. I have enjoyed these little things every single day! It's really these "chores" that make my day, give me a sense of satisfication. Right now, I am guilty as charged (by myself). I am looking to change this, but this is going to be a BIG change, and needs to happen at the opportune moment - a moment, that is yet to come. For now, I need to keep my calm, enjoy everything that comes my way, and prepare for the moment that will bring back the joys I so long for!

There's a lot to be done, and I need start working (pun intended) now!

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